martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

JOE BLAH / American Justice. Oleo sobre lienzo. GRAN FORMATO

Joe  BLAH  es un muralista de Estados Unidos que mezcla libremente medios, como aerógrafo, pincel tradicional, fotografía, y oleos, en sus obras.  
Medidas: 100 x 150 cm.

Painting is painted in 100% Winsor and Newton Artist Oils on Canvas.
A visionary artist and muralist, Joe BLAH creates uniquely evocative works for the wall. BLAH freely mixes media, including airbrush, traditional brush, photography, technology, and artist oils, to achieve his bold effects and grand scale black and white art pieces. All the works in his famed Black & White Series are painted in 100% Winsor & Newton Artist Oils on double primed artist canvas.

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